We are taking personality assesment to the next level and it's changing lives!


Openmind™ is ground-breaking, it goes deeper than any other personality assessment in that it captures both conscious explicit attitudes and nonconscious implicit attitudes and emotions. 

With over 92% of our daily decisions made subconsciously it's critical to take this into account when you assess personality traits.

Thats where Openmind™ comes in.

"What an incredible experience. fascinating, exciting, revealing, insightful, reassuring, challenging, respectful, mindblowing, the list goes on!"


"the insights and awareness it provides goes further and deeper than any of the other profiling tools I’ve engaged with"



The Openmind™  Academy 

We don't just train you and leave you.

We provide best-in-class training and support to our very active practitioner community, all our training is delivered by experienced psychometric specialists who are actively working in this field. 

All training and support is available via our online training academy 24/7, with access to our specialists via our growing community of practitioners. 

Be Part Of The Revolution!

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Openmind™ is having an unbelievable impact on people lives and our practitioners are seeing their opportunity to coach people go through the roof!

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